Post : Foreman (Wood Workshop)
Department : Kerala Small Industries Development Corporation Limited
Category Code : 278/14
Question Paper Code : 109/17
Date of Test : 22-09-2017
- In first angle projection
- Plan appears above elevation
- Plan appears below elevation
- No specific positions for plan and elevation
- None of these
- If a point lies on the HP and in front of VP, its elevation
- Lies on xy line
- Lies above xy line
- Lies below xy line
- None of these
- The lip angle of twist drill is
- 62°
- 98°
- 118°
- None of these
- In carpentry Auger is used
- To plane flat surfaces
- To plane curved surfaces
- To cut mortises
- To make holes
- The Rip saw
- is a two men saw
- is used for cutting along the grains
- has narrow blade with two wooden handles
- all these
- Ferrule is
- Provided in the handle of carpenters chisel to prevent it from splitting
- A cutting tool used in the fitting shop
- A marking tool used in carpentry
- None of these
- Which of the following is an exogenous tree?
- Bamboo tree
- Teak wood
- Palm tree
- Cane tree
- Thin radial fibres extending from the pith to cambium layer is
- Bast
- Cortex
- Heartwood
- Medullary rays
- The purpose of seasoning of wood is
- To remove curves
- To reduce voids
- To change the direction of grains
- To reduce moisture content
- The size of wooden lathe is specified by
- Maximum length of job which can be turned between centres
- Maximum diameter of work that can be turned
- Both Maximum length of job which can be turned between centres and Maximum diameter of work that can be turned
- None of these
- The ripping fence in circular saw
- Acts as a gauge for cutting boards of required width
- Is provided for the safety of the operator
- Is provided for the safety of the blade
- None of these
- The size of the wood planer is specified by
- The floor size of the planer
- Power of motor
- Maximum thickness and width of stock that can be planed
- None of these
- For taper turning in lathes, the angle of compound rest is determined by
- tan–1 [(D-d)/2L]
- sin–1 [(D-d)/2L]
- tan–1 [(D-d)/L]
- sin–1 [(D-d)/L]
- Specific weight of water is
- 19620 N/m3
- 9810 N/cm3
- 9810 N/m3
- 19620 N/cm3
- Intensity of pressure at a point in a liquid having mass density 1000 kg/m3 at a depth of 1 m from the free surface is
- 981 Pa
- 9810 Pa
- 98100 Pa
- 98 Pa
- In pitot tube, velocity is determined by
- (2gh)1/2
- (2gh)1/4
- (gh)1/2
- 1/2 gh
- Coefficient of discharge is equal to
- Theoretical discharge/actual discharge
- Theoretical discharge – actual discharge
- Actual discharge – theoretical discharge
- Actual discharge/theoretical discharge
- Absolute pressure is
- Gauge pressure – atmospheric pressure
- Atmospheric pressure gauge pressure
- Gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure
- None of these
- Hardness may be defined as
- The ability to withstand forces
- Ability to withstand elastic deformation
- Ability to resist penetration
- None of these
- Brass is an alloy of
- Copper and zinc
- Copper and tin
- Zinc and tin
- None of these
- Polytropic process is represented by
- PV = constant
- PVγ = constant
- PVn = constant
- P/V = constant
- The brake power of an engine runs at a speed of 50 revolutions per second with a torque 10 Nm is
- 1000Ï€ watts
- 500Ï€ watts
- 50Ï€ watts
- 2000Ï€ watts
- The coefficient of friction is
- Normal reaction/limiting friction
- Limiting friction normal reaction
- Limiting friction/normal reaction
- None of these
- The minimum horizontal force required to move a body up, which is resting on an
inclined plane having an angle α, with an angle of frictionis given by ϕ
- Wsin ( α + ϕ)
- Wsin (α – Ï•)
- Wtan (α + ϕ)
- Wtan ( α – Ï•)
- The distance between the centroid and the base of a semicircular lamina having radius 5 cm is equal to
- 20/3 π cm
- 15/4 π cm
- 15/3 π cm
- 5/ π cm
- The moment of inertia of a triangular section having base 4 cm and height 3 cm with respect to its base is
- 3 cm4
- 9 cm4
- 16/3 cm4
- 16 cm4
- Poissons ratio is equal to
- Linear strain/lateral strain
- Linear strainlateral strain
- Lateral strain/linear strain
- None of these
- Caulking is
- A process to prevent leakage in riveted joints
- A forging operation
- A process in a sheet metal shop
- None of these
- In a beam, bending moment will be maximum
- At the middle point of the beam
- At the end points of the beam
- Where the shear force diagram changes its sign
- None of these
- Pelton turbine has
- Low head and high discharge
- Low discharge and high head
- Medium discharge and medium head
- None of these
- The output power of a pump which delivers 0.1 m3/s water with a total head of 10 m is
- 9.81 kW
- 0.981 kW
- 98.1 kW
- None of these
- For a saddle key
- No key way in the hub
- No key way in the shaft
- Both shaft and hub have key ways
- Both shaft and hub have no key ways
- Example of rigid coupling
- Oldhams coupling
- Universal coupling
- Sleeve coupling
- All these
- In cams, dwell period
- Is the period at which the cam is stationery
- Is the period at which the follower is stationery
- Is the period at which both the cam and follower are stationery
- None of these
- Centrifugal tension in belt drives having velocity of belt ‘v’ m/s and mass of belt ‘m’ kg/m is determined by
- 1/2 mv2 Newtons
- 2 mv2 Newtons
- mv2 Newtons
- none of these
- COP of a vapour compression refrigeration system is
- Refrigerating effect/work input of compressor
- Work input of compressor/refrigerating effect
- Difference in enthalpy of refrigerant in and out of compressor
- Difference in enthalpy of refrigerant in and out of evaporator
- One ton refrigeration means
- Total weight of the refrigerator
- One tonne refrigerant is used
- One tonne of water is converted into ice
- Capacity to freeze one tonne of water from and at 0°C in 24 hours
- CPM stands for
- Critical Process Method
- Common Planning Method
- Critical Path Method
- Combined Process Method
- Surface roughness can be indicated by
- Numerical values
- Grade numbers
- Symbols
- All these
- In hole basis system
- The minimum limit of hole is equal to the basic size
- The minimum limit of shaft is equal to the basic size
- The maximum limit of shaft is equal to the basic size
- The maximum limit of hole is equal to the basic size
- Which scale can be measured in three dimensions is known as ?
- Vernier scale
- Chord scale
- Diagonal scale
- Plain scale
- An anallatic lens is
- Concave
- Convex
- Plano-concave
- Plane
- What is the average value of coefficient of refraction is taken as ?
- 0.07
- 0.007
- 0.70
- 7.0
- The representative fraction 1/2500 means that the scale is 1 cm equal to
- 0.25 m
- 2.5 m
- 2.5 km
- 25 m
- How many number of bricks are required for 1M3 of brick masonry ?
- 450
- 500
- 550
- 400
- Which portion of a brick cut cross to that of a full brick is?
- Closer
- King closer
- Queen closer
- Squint brick
- How much amount of gypsum is added in the manufacture of cement is?
- 0.10 to 0.50%
- 0.50 to 1.0%
- 1.0 to 3.0%
- 3.0 to 5.0%
- Plywood is specified as
- Thickness
- Weight
- Volume
- None of these
- The least bearing capacity of soil is that of
- Hard rocks
- Moist clays
- Soft rocks
- Laminated rocks
- Which loads are considered in the design of partition wall?
- Live loads
- Dead loads
- Wind loads
- No external loads
- The highest point of an arch is
- Deck
- Crown
- Zenith
- Haunch
- What is the weight of one cubic metre of mild steel contains?
- 1000 kg
- 3625 kg
- 7850 kg
- 12560 kg
- The standard width of asbestos cement corrugated sheet is
- 0.9 m
- 1.0 m
- 1.05 m
- 1.25 m
- In which material expected to the highest value of modulus of elasticity?
- Steel
- Copper
- Brass
- Aluminium
- The bending moment on a section is maximum, where the shear force is
- Minimum
- Zero
- Maximum
- Changing sign
- The valuation of a building depends on
- its structure and durability
- size, shape and type
- quality of material used
- all these
- The size of modular bricks are
- 10 × 10 × 9 cm
- 19 × 9 × 9 cm
- 22.5 × 10 × 8.5 cm
- 22.5 × 8 × 9 cm
- For a rectangular foundation of width b, eccentricity (e) should not exceed
- b/2
- b/3
- b/6
- b/5
- Power developed by a torque is
- 2Ï€NT kgm/min
- 2Ï€NT/4500
- 2Ï€NT/60 watts
- All of these
- In a simple harmonic motion, acceleration of a particle is proportional to
- Displacement
- Rate of change of velocity
- Velocity
- Direction
- The phenomenon of slow extension of materials having constant head i.e., increasing with the time is called
- Yielding
- Creeping
- Breaking
- None of these
- The minimum number of rivets for the connection of gusset plate is
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 2
- For a simply supported beam carrying uniformly distributed load w on its entire length L the maximum bending moment is
- wL/8
- wL/4
- wL/2
- wL/3
Question error
- Which value is used for the modulus of elasticity of steel in all practical purposes is?
- 250 kN/mm2
- 225 kN/mm2
- 200 kN/mm2
- 275 kN/mm2
- The percentage of minimum reinforcement of the gross cross sectional area in slab is
- 0.15%
- 0.10%
- 0.12%
- 0.20%
- The three hinged arch is generally hinged at its support and
- At one quarter span
- At crown
- Any where in the rib
- None of these
- The detention period in a septic tank is assumed
- 40 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 25 minutes
- 20 minutes
- For 100 m2 cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) 4 cm thick floor the quantity of cement required is
- 1.0 m3
- 0.99 m3
- 0.98 m3
- 0.94 m3
- The SI unit of specific weight of water is
- 9.81 gm
- 981 gm
- 9.81 kN/m3
- 9.81 × 103 kN/m3
- Bernoulli's equation is applied to
- Venturimeter
- Orifice meter
- Pitot tube
- All these
- The ratio of weight of water to the weight of solids in a given mass of soil is known as
- Water content
- Void ratio
- Porosity
- Specific gravity
- The dimensions of coefficient of permeability are
- cm
- g/cm
- cm/sec.
- g/cm2
- Flow irrigation is done from
- Canals
- Wells
- Tube wells
- None of these
- Duty of the canal water is expressed in
- Cumec
- Centimeters
- Millimeters
- h a per cumec
- Rabi crops pertain to
- Summer season
- Winter season
- Monsoon season
- All these
- What is the command for clear the screen?
- Wipeout
- Clear
- Clean
- Cls
- The technique which is activity oriented is
- Both PERT and CPM
- Which of the following is an activity?
- Concrete cured
- Walls plastered
- Excavation for foundation
- All of these
- The capacity of flushing cisterns for urinals is generally
- 40 litres
- 15 litres
- 1 litre
- 0.5 litre
- What is the value of minimum depth of water seal in a good trap?
- 2.5 to 7.5 cm
- 10 to 15 cm
- 15 to 25 cm
- 30 to 35 cm
- In which year Sahodaran Ayyappan organized ‘Misra bhojanam’?
- 1917
- 1918
- 1919
- 1920
- “I am the leader; shoot me first before you kill others” these words shouted by
- Akkamma Cheriyan
- Ammu Swaminathan
- Anna Chandi
- Arya Pallam
- Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was launched on
- 1989 April 1
- 1989 Nov. 1
- 1989 May 1
- 1989 Jan. 1
- National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme was launched during the period of
- 7th Five Year Plan
- 8th Five Year Plan
- 9th Five Year Plan
- 10th Five Year Plan
- Abstention Movement was in the year
- 1930
- 1931
- 1932
- 1933
- Which is the symbol of a product without child labour?
- Rugmark
- Agmark
- Ecomark
- Segmark
- In India, Domestic Violence Act came into force in
- 2005 October 26
- 2006 October 26
- 2005 September 26
- 2005 September 26
- Name the person also known as Shanmugadasan.
- V. T. Bhattathirippad
- Chattampi Swamikal
- Pampadi John Joseph
- Mannathu Padmanabhan
- ‘Abinava Keralam’ written by
- Vagbadananda
- K. P. Kesava Menon
- C. Krishnan
- K. Ramakrishna Pilla
- The first Malayalee who associated with Indian National Congress
- C. Sankaran Nair
- Barrister G. P. Pillai
- K. Madhavan Nair
- T. K. Madhavan
- A secret journal called ‘Swatantra Baratam’ related to
- Kayyoor riot
- Keezhariyur Bomb case
- Punnapra vayalar
- Karivalloor riot
- Which Part of Indian Constitution deals with citizenship?
- Part II
- Part III
- Part IV
- Part I
- ‘An Essay on Understanding’ written by
- V. V. Giri
- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
- Zakir Husain
- Venkata Raman
- Steering committee of Indian Constitution headed by
- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
- Rajendra Prasad
- First Chairperson of Kerala Vanitha Commission
- Sugatha Kumari
- K. A. Thulasi
- Noorbeena Rasheed
- Lissy Jose
- A project of Homeopathy department of Kerala Govt. related to women upliftment
- Ujjawala
- Seethalaya
- Mangalya
- Smrithilaya
- Indian Constitution adopted the institution of speaker from
- France
- Britain
- Canada
- Germany
- ‘Kadora Kodaram’ written by
- Makti Thangal
- Vakkam Abdul Kadar Maulavi
- Zainuddin Makhdoom
- Ali Musliyar
- Who was the heroine of ‘Tholuviraku Samaram’?
- M. V. Kuttimalu Amma
- Kunhi Lekshmi Amma
- Karthyani Amma
- Kunhikkav Amma
- Who wrote the famous book ‘Jatikkummi’?
- Chattampi Swamikal
- Brahmananda Sivayogi
- Sahodaran Ayyappan
- Pandit K. Karuppan