Post : Higher Secondary School Teacher Computer Science
Department : Kerala Higher Secondary Education
Category Code : 341/17
Qualification : Master's Degree in Computer Science or equivalent
Question Paper Code : 16/18
Date of Test : 01-02-2018
- #define AND &&
#define OR !!
#define LE <=
#define GE >=
char ch=‘D’ :
if ((ch GE 65 AND ch LE 90) OR (ch GE 97 AND ch LE 122))
printf(“not an alphabets”):
}- Compilation error
- Not an alphabet
- Alphabet
- None of these
- main()
static char * s[] = {“ice”, “green”, “core”, “please”}:
static char **ptr[] = {s+3, s+2, s+1,s}:
char ***p=ptr;
printf(“%s\n”, **++p);
printf(“%s\n”, *--*++p+3);
printf(“%s\n”, *p[–2]+3);
}- ice
gr - core
reen - please
gr - None
- ice
- main()
int k=35,z;
int k:
}- 35
- 37
- 38
- 40
Question error
- main ()
int j=1;
while (j<=255);
printf(“%c%d\n”, j,j);
}- 255
- 255, 255
- No output
- 256
- main()
int a=500, b=100,c;
if (!a>=400)
printf(“b=%d c=%d”,b,c);
}- b=100, c=400
- b=100, c=300
- b=100, c=200
- None of these
- Multiple inheritance in java can be achieved by :
- interface
- polymorphism
- abstraction
- encapsulation
- Which is the base class of all classes in java?
- system.lang
- class.object
- java.lang.object
- none of these
- class output
public static void main (string args[ ])
{ string Buffer sb=new string Buffer
Sb.delete (0,2);
}- He
- Hel
- lo
- llo
- Which of the interface contain all the method used for handling thread related operations in java?
- Runnable interface
- Math interface
- System interface
- Thread handling interface
- Which of the package contains abstract keyword?
- java.lang
- java.util
- java.system
- A member function which initializes data member of an object in :
- Destructor
- Constructor
- Inline function
- Friend function
- A C++ keyword, which, when used inside a member function of a class, represents a pointer to the particular class object that invoked it :
- *
- this
- →
- None
- Which of the following is a non linear data structure?
- Tree
- Array
- Linked list
- None of these
- Which of the following is NOT a method for performing amortized analysis of algorithms?
- Aggregate method
- Accounting method
- Potential method
- None of these
- 0-1 Knapsack problem can be solved by :
- Greedy method
- Dynamic programming method
- Divide and conquer method
- None of these
Question error
- Which is NOT a collision resolution technique in Hashing?
- Chaining
- Linear probing
- Quadratic Probing
- None of these
- If any NP complete problem is in P class, then :
- P=NP
- P!=NP
- P≤NP
- None of these
- Which of the following problem is NOT NP-complete?
- Hamiltonian cycle problem
- Clique problem
- Travelling−salesman problem
- None of these
- The running time of Kruska’ls algorithm for a graph G=(V, E) for finding Minimum–spanning–tree is :
- O(E log2 V)
- O(E+V log2 V)
- O(E2)
- O(V2)
- The data structure used in breadth–first–search (BST) is :
- Stack
- Queue
- B–Tree
- None of these
- Strassen’s algorithm for multiplying n×n matrices runs in :
- O(n2) time
- O(n3) time
- O(2n) time
- O(n2.81) time
- The postfix representation of the expression (a+b*c)+((d*e+f)*g) is :
- abc*+de*f+g*+
- ab+c*de*f+g+*
- ab+c*de*f+g*+
- abc*+def*+g*+
- The worst case time complexity of merge sort is :
- O(n2)
- O(n log n)
- O(n3)
- O(2n)
- A set of n>=0 disjoint trees :
- Tree
- Forest
- B Tree
- All of these
- Which of the following is a linear data structures?
- Array
- Linked list
- Both Array and Linked list
- None of these
- The worst case time complexity of Quick sort is :
- O(n2)
- O(n log n)
- O(n3)
- O(2n)
- Which of the following data structure is frequently used to implement priority queue?
- Stack
- Heap
- Treap
- None of these
- A list in which contain nodes of different types :
- Homogenous list
- Heterogeneous list
- Doubly linked list
- None of these
- An ordered list in which insertion and deletion of nodes are made at one end?
- Deque
- Queue
- Stack
- None of these
- A matrix whose most of the elements are zeroes :
- sparse matrix
- dense matrix
- square matrix
- none of these
- Which of the following is a self balancing binary search tree?
- B– Tree
- AVL Tree
- B+ Tree
- None of these
Question error
- A network with bandwidth of 10 Mbps can pass only an average of 12000 frames per minute with each frame carrying an average of 10,000 bits. What is the throughput of this network?
- 22 Mbps
- 2 Mbps
- 10 Mbps
- 100 Mbps
- A system is using NRZ-l to transfer 10-Mbps data. What is the average signal rate?
- 500 Kbaud
- 1000 MHz
- 500 MHz
- 1000 Kbaud
- What is the minimum required bandwidth to send data at 1-Mbps rate using Manchester Encoding?
- 10 MHz
- 2 MHz
- 5 MHz
- 1 MHz
- To send 3 bits data at a time at a bit rate of 3 Mbps with a carrier frequency of 10 MHz calculate the baud rate and bandwidth :
- 10 Mbaud and 10 MHz
- 2 Mbaud and 2 MHz
- 1 Mbaud and 8 MHz
- None of these
- Eight channels each with a 100-kHz bandwidth are to be multiplexed together. What is the minimum bandwidth of the link if there is a need for a guard band of 10 kHz between channels to prevent interference?
- 540 kHz
- 870 kHz
- 1020 kHz
- 1080 kHz
- The digital multiplexing technique for combining several low-rate channels into high-rate one :
- none of these
- RG-59 category cables are used for :
- Telephone
- Cable TV networks
- None of these
- The bit oriented protocol for communication over point to point and multipoint links is :
- Stop and wait protocol
- The service not provided by PPP is :
- network address configuration
- authentication
- flow control
- none of these
- Encryption is done at :
- Presentation Layer
- Application Layer
- Session Layer
- Transport Layer
- One channel carries all transmissions simultaneously in :
- The IEEE standard for Wifi is :
- 802.4
- 802.1
- 802.2
- 802.11
- An example for cell switched network is :
- None of these
- GSM is a digital cellular phone system using :
- TDMA and packet switching
- CDMA and packet switching
- UDP is a :
- Connectionless unreliable protocol
- Reliable and connection oriented protocol
- Connectionless reliable protocol
- Connection oriented unreliable protocol
- SCTP is a __________ layer protocol.
- Session Layer
- Application Layer
- Transport Layer
- The result which operation contains all pairs of tuples from the two relations, regardless of whether their attribute values match?
- Join
- Cartesian product
- Intersection
- Set difference
- The most commonly used operation in relational algebra for projecting a set of tuple from a relation is :
- Join
- Projection
- Select
- Union
- For each attribute of a relation, there is a set of permitted values, called the __________ of that attribute.
- Domain
- Relation
- Set
- Schema
- Managers salary details are hidden from employees. This is :
- Conceptual level data hiding
- Physical level data hiding
- External level data hiding
- None of these
- In SR flip-flop, if S=R=1 then Q(t+1) will be :
- Q(t)
- 0
- 1
- indeterminate state
Question error
- If an encoder has 2n (or less) input lines. Then output line is :
- n/2
- n
- 2n
- n−1
- The 10’s complements of 13250 is :
- 86740
- 86750
- 97850
- 97859
- DeMorgan’s theorem says that a NOR gate is equivalent to __________ gate.
- Bubbled XOR
- Bubbled AND
- Bubbled NOR
- AB+B((B+C')+B'C) can be simplified to :
- B+BC
- B+C
- None of these
- The self complementing unweighted code is :
- 8421
- 2421
- Excess 3
- Gray code
- In 8086 microprocessor the following has the highest priority among all the type of interrupt :
- NM 1
- type 255
- overflow
- Div 0
- Which among the following is the maximum mod signal in 8085?
- DT/R'
Question error
- INT2 in 8086 is :
- Single step interrupt
- Non maskable interrupt
- Division by zero interrupt
- Overflow interrupt
- Which among the following is the programmable DMA controller in 8086?
- 8259
- 8257
- 8251
- 8250
- In cyclomatic complexity, if E is the number of edges and N is the number of nodes, V(G), for a flow graph is defined as :
- E−N+2
- E−N−1
- E+N−2
- E+N−1
- Which among the following is the risk driven process model?
- Prototyping
- Spiral model
- Component based development
- Waterfall model
- Which testing method is normally used as the acceptance test for a software system?
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- Functional testing
- Regression testing
Question error
- Application like Banking and Reservation require which type of operating system :
- Hard real time
- Soft real time
- Real time
- Time sharing
- Preemptive scheduling is the strategy of temporally suspending a running process :
- To avoid collision
- When it request i/o
- Before the CPU time slice expires
- None of these
- Time for the disk, rotate to the start of the desired sector is known as :
- Seek time
- Transfer time
- Latency time
- Access time
- Mutual exclusion problem occurs between :
- Process that share resources
- Process use not the same resources
- Two disjoint process that do not interact
- None of these
- PNG stands for :
- Packet network graphics
- Portable network graphics
- Protocol for network graphic
- None of these
- The maintenance activity to find and fix error during operation of error is :
- adaptive maintenance
- corrective maintenance
- perfective maintenance
- preventive maintenance
- Which method uses small increments with minimum planning and iterations are short time frames?
- Waterfall model
- Spiral model
- Agile model
- Prototype model
- Telnet is a :
- Remote login
- Television network
- Network of telephone
- None of these
- Trends to outsource IT functions t other countries is known as :
- Outer outsourcing
- External outsourcing
- Foreign outsourcing
- Offshore outsourcing
- Which of the following method of channelization are used for mobile data internet working?
- Time division multiple access
- Frequency division multiple access
- Code division multiple access
- All of these
- Honeypot is an example for :
- Security auditing software
- Encryption−decryption software
- Intrusion−detection software
- Virus
- ‘Hibernate’ in Windows XP/Windows 7 means :
- Shutdown the computer without closing the running application
- Shutdown the computer terminating all running applications
- Restart the computer
- Restart the computer in safe mode
- The UNIX Shell is :
- A command line interpreter
- Set of user commands
- A GUI interface
- All of these
- If every non key attribute is functionally depend on primary key, then the relation will be :
- First normal form
- Second normal form
- Third normal form
- Fourth normal form
- An attribute of one table is matching the primary key of another table, is known as :
- Secondary key
- Foreign key
- Candidate key
- Composite key
- In relational model, tuple is equivalent to :
- Record
- Table
- File
- Field
- Who among the following leaders is not associated with the formation of the Congress Socialist Party in 1934?
- Sardar Vallabhai Patel
- Jayaprakash Narayanan
- Achyuth Patwardhan
- R.M. Lohya
- The code name “Operation Barbarosa” is associated with the following countries in the Second World War :
- England and France
- France and Germany
- Germany and Soviet Union
- U.S.A. and Japan
- Who among the following is the author of “Prince of the folly”?
- Erasmus
- Machiavelly
- Thomas More
- Boccassio
- Which of the following social reformer of Kerala founded the “Sadhu Jana Sangam”?
- Mannath Padmanabhan
- Vagbhatanantha
- Ayyankali
- Pandit Karuppan
Question error
- Which National leader of India is nicknamed as “Prince of workers”?
- Dadabhai Naoroji
- Gopalakrishna Gokhale
- Bal Gangadhara Tilak
- Surendra Natha Bannarjee
- “New India” is the Newspaper published by :
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Annie Besant
- Syed Ahammed Khan
- Lala Lajpat Rai
- The Indian Independence Act Passed by the British Parliament in :
- August 14, 1947
- July 1, 1947
- February 12, 1947
- July 18, 1947
- Which social reformer of Kerala started the weekly “Prabhodakam”?
- Mannath Padmanabhan
- Muhammed Abdul Rahman
- Kesari Balakrishna Pillai
- Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai
Question error
- Which of the following state of India is called the “Botanist paradise”?
- Assam
- Kashmir
- Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh
- Who among the following ruler built the famous “Charminar”?
- Firus Shah Tuglak
- Shahjahan
- Aurangzeb
- Quli Qutub Shah
- Which among the following is India’s National river?
- Indus
- Ganga
- Brahmaputra
- Narmada
- Swaraj Party was the outcome of which of the following incident?
- Chauri-Chaura
- Quit India
- Simon Commision
- Bardoli Satyagraha
- Who is called the “Lincoln of Kerala”?
- Pandit Karuppan
- Dr. Palpu
- Sahodharan Ayyappan
- Poikayil Yohannan
- In the constitution of India article 32 deals with :
- Writ
- Equal pay for equal work
- Panchayath raj system
- Uniform civil code
- “Panmana Asramam” is related to :
- Kumarasenan
- Chattambi Swamikal
- Vagbadanandhan
- Vaikunda Swamikal
- Who among the following is the President of Karachi Session of INC in 1931?
- Sardar Vallabhai Patel
- Mothilal Nehru
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Annie Besant
- Which among the following year the famous Malayalam historical novel “Martandavarma” published?
- 1901
- 1906
- 1891
- 1896
- In which of the following year last Mamankam was held at Thirunavaya?
- 1775
- 1780
- 1792
- 1802
Question error
- Which ruler of Cochin started “Thrissur Pooram”?
- Swathi Thirunal
- Marthanda Varma
- Sakthan Thampuran
- Sree Chithira Thiruna
- Who among the following raised the slogan “Inquilab Zindabad” for the first time?
- Surya Sen
- Bhagat Singh
- V.D. Savarkar
- Chandrasekhar Azad
Quest no 9 ans is Runnable interface
ReplyDeleteQuest no 78. I think it is in 2NF