Which state is known as "Sugar bowl of India"?
Which state is known as "Sugar bowl of India"?
- Bihar
- Punjab
- Madhya Pradesh
- Uttar Pradesh
Exam Capsule
Gersoppa water fall, the highest in India is located in
- Assam
- Tamil Nadu
- Karnataka
- Himachal Pradesh
Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
- Bengal
- Odisha
- Assam
- Rajasthan
Technique used in DNA finger printing is
- Northern blotting
- Eastern blotting
- Southern blotting
- Western blotting
Unix is an
- Application Software
- Both Application Software and Utility Software
- Operating System
- Utility Software
The Global Day of Parents was observed on
- 05 June
- 14 June
- 12 June
- 01 June